“I Will Build My Church”

“I Will Build My Church”

The Christian faith is a historical faith. In the Old Testament in particular, entire books recount God’s story in the history of his people. But God did not only work in biblical times. He has been building his church since Pentecost. While the early centres of Christianity were mainly in the Middle East and the Mediterranean region, the Christian message quickly spread to Asia and North Africa and later to Europe. Today, the vibrant church in the Global South is growing rapidly as the global centre of the church shifts towards the majority world. Throughout this book, the global spread of Christianity is explored alongside the history of the Evangelical movement.

Autor: Frank Hinkelmann
ISBN: 978-3-902669-58-2
Erscheinungsdatum: 15.102024
Seitenzahl: 495
Preis: 32 Euro
Bestellungen aus Österreich richten Sie bitte an bestellung@vgtg.net.

An Introduction to the Global History of Christianity